
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’

Obama gets kudos from Rachel Maddow!

October 18, 2008 Leave a comment

Well, in politics, kudos should usually be taken with a grain of salt. But, from Rachel Maddow, it’s a cinch it’s on the level.

And it’s about time Democrats got their heads out of their asses about voter fraud. How dare republicans try this Rovian-mind trick on us again. the old accuse them of doing what we’re doing tactic just won’t work this time. There’s a new jedi in town: Master Obama (no relation to master Windu) and he ain’t having none of it!

They must have a really low opinion of our intelligence! I guess being  they measure their constituency’s grasp of what’s in their best interest the same way they do us, they probably grade on a curve.

Thanks again, Rachel! (and of course KO!) (-:

Obama/Biden 08

If one’s party turns on one, does that make one a maverick?

September 23, 2008 3 comments

Because, if it does then McCain is officially on the path to once again becoming a maverick.

After reading this scathing ed-op by George Wills: Will’s ed-op and a recent Wall Street Journal article: McCain’s scapegoat I’ve come to believe that either John McCain is trying to re-establish his maverick status by doing dumb shit that no one, not even his own party, can possibly support him on or this is all a master plan (which would mean Rove’s doing) to re-establish his maverick status and his fellow Republicans have been instructed to launch attacks at his ideas, for a while- just long enough for everyone to get a whiff of what McCain’s cooking – then bam! He can say “See, I told y’all I was a maverick” if and when he gets something right.

I don’t think it will work, if it’s true.

what do y’all think?